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100 dogs are desperate and looking for your help!

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ADOGS  0 Comments  833 Views  22-08-02 14:32 



* video :  https://youtu.be/H_aSmV-Kq7w 

100 dogs are desperate and looking for your help! Please help these innocent, poor dogs who are captured in a dog meat farm! 

There is an organization named “119ark” in Korea who attacks dog meat farms randomly and tries to rescue the dog there to prevent the worst situation. Few days ago, 119ark and the organization called “Adogs”, who has been rescuing dogs in the city of Gim-je, cooperated and found out that there was an illegal dog meat farm that had been running for past 3 years in Gim-je. 

Two organization did a sudden visit, and the reality at a dog farm was beyond our imagination. There were hundreds of dogs being suffered in little floating crates. Probably they had never touched the ground. They were there for their whole lives waiting to get killed. There were so many Tosa dogs who are well-known breed for dog meat in Korea. There were Great Danes, and there were Korean proud breed, Jindos too.. 

Thanks to the help from City of Gimje, we could get an agreement from a dog meat farm that they are going to give up the rights for dogs. However, since there are not enough space to accommodate all those dogs, city talked about putting them down. Adogs suggested and made an agreement with Gim-je city to take care of them for a year while Adogs finds a solution to relocate them. During that time, they still have to stay at the same crates being stuck in a small floating crates and not being able to touch the ground. Both 119ark and Adogs are trying to find the right solution to get those poor creatures out of nightmare as soon as possible, however, both of organizations reached their capacity of their own center and putting more is impossible at this moment.

The dogs there on the first day were terrified by people. After second day, and the third day of visits… they started wagging tails as if they know visitors are not harmful. They started licking volunteers and waiting to get touched. They are just the same dogs that the dogs around us. They can be pet dogs too like others. It is just so frustrating we cannot do anything but just leave them there.

After one year, if no one helps, they might get put down. it is an ugly fact that it is nearly impossible for even medium sized dogs get adopted as a pet in this country. 

Please help us. Please help those pups. Rescue them and save them. Help them to find a new life. We are so desperate for help.


If you know a big rescue organization like HSI(Humane Society International), please let us know. We are in need of help from a big organization to get through this. Especially HSI has been saving thousands of lives from dog meat farm. It will be a great help for us with their help!

If someone can help us rescue them, contact Adogs please. (tel:010-9109-4461) (email:leomomadogs@gmail.com) 

They survived now but their lives are not the lives that they deserve. Please let them live with humans as normal pets other than just food. Please help them! We believe together we can save them.


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